Four Experiences to Strengthen Assurance

Dec 8, 2024    Pastor Joe Dickinson

In this sermon, the focus is on how believers can strengthen their assurance of salvation by experiencing four key realities that are common to the Christian life. These include experiencing answered prayers, which confirms that God hears and responds to His children; developing a heightened sensitivity to sin, which reflects the new nature believers receive through the Holy Spirit; and recognizing a clear distinction between the believer and the world, showing that Christians live differently due to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. These experiences should be evident in a believer's life, demonstrating that they are truly children of God.

The sermon emphasizes that living out the Christian life praying, repenting of sin, being holy, and studying the Bible provides strong evidence of eternal life and deepens one’s assurance. While assurance ultimately rests in God’s promises, these subjective experiences serve as signs of the believer’s authentic relationship with Christ. The sermon concludes with an exhortation for believers to examine their lives for these traits and engage in spiritual practices that will strengthen their faith and assurance of salvation.